Category Archives: Small ideas

IoT p0wnership

The recent total war bombardment of Brian Krebs’ site, and the subsequent allegation that the traffic emanated from compromised home routers, cameras, baby monitors, doorbells, thermostats, and whatnot, got me thinking.

So DDoS is a thing, and as much as I enjoy the lampooning of IoT by everyone’s favourite wat account, @internetofshit, I wonder if the status quo of insecure consumer devices will have an unexpected knock-on effect.

Previously, DDoS traffic was assumed to come from compromised servers (waves hand in the approximate direction of the cloud) or malware infected PCs. For the former, cloud providers have gotten pretty good at rooting out insecure hosts and booting them off their networks, and organised crime have pretty much figured out that deleting stuff of people’s home computer is less profitable than encrypting said stuff and holding it for ransom. There’s always the chance of someone spotting unexpected outbound traffic from a box — that is one thing the host based AV industry does seem to be good at — because there’s usually a human sitting in front of the device whenever it’s awake. But not so with the cable router or ADSL modem sitting under the hall table, or the IP connected baby monitor you installed in the nursery, or the hundreds of other IP connected whatevers produced for the lowest possible cost because that is what we, as consumers, demand; price, the ultimate arbiter of quality.

My home router, what's it doing? I've got no idea.

My home router. What’s it doing? I’ve got no idea.

Homes filled with tiny linux boxes running weak software are a tempting target. Not just because owning them is easy, but as long as the devices continue to work as reliably as they did before compromise, nobody is going to suspect that their excess capacity is being soaked up under someone else’s control. Embedded devices have other attractive properties, they’re usually online 24/7, not sporadically like a laptop trying to conserve battery power, and commonly enjoy a wired ethernet connection, not the whims of a rapidly changing WiFi network. Can any of you reading this post tell me that you know the provenance of every packet that leaves your home network?

But back to Krebs and the IP cameras. With the nose dive in desktop and laptop sales, it’s pretty clear that the botnet action has moved to the embedded space. Assuming the attribution is correct, then DDoS has gone from being manageable to very not manageable, quickly. It’s the early 2000’s spam wars all over again, and companies that make real money on the internet are going expect a solution. And when I say solution, I mean litigation.

Who’s to blame for shitty insecure consumer devices? Who’s going to receive the summons?

Will it be the local ISPs, or carriers? Unlikely. In the States, carriers enjoy common carrier status which indemnifies them from crimes committed using their service. In Australia the situation is less clear but the message isn’t. ISPs are not interested in policing the behaviour of the users of that service. If you’re Walmart who’s been forced offline by 1Tbps of traffic during the holiday sales, you can forget about suing ISPs.

Ok, what about the device manufacturers themselves? I’ll be honest, I don’t have the stamina to read the EULA paperwork that comes with a device so I cannot assert this as a fact, but I would be amazed if the liability for the damage the device did, if not expressly waived by opening the box, exceeded the purchase price. Looking towards other industries, car manufacturers are not liable for the damage their vehicles do in the case of misuse, which is why in many parts of the world licensing a vehicle to drive on a public road requires compulsory third party insurance.

Let’s cut to the chase, the reason IoT DDoS is a thing is because the security of the software inside those devices is laughable. You can debate about why this is why it is, but that does not change the fact that all the other members of this supply chain have deftly sidestepped the buck on this one, and so the liability for insecure software rests with us, the authors of said software. Because, as Robert C. Martin likes to remind us, software rules the world, so programmers rule the world.

Serious stuff.

Serious stuff.

If you look at the history of unsafe products; food, paint, hair spray, electrical goods, governments have forced manufacturers to improve with a combination of regulations and import controls. In Australia, for example, it is illegal to import a product that connects to the mains supply unless its plug has the correct shroud over the live and neutral pins. This is how governments work, they cut off a manufacturer’s air supply by forbidding them from importing their products into the country. That tends to effect change, smartly.

Will IoT be the tipping point that forces the software industry to adopt voluntary, or mandatory, regulation or procedural standardisation?


The value of TDD

What is the value of test driven development?

Is the value writing tests at the same time as you write the code? Sure, I like that property. It means that at any time you’re one control-Z away from your tests passing; either revert your test change, or fix the code so the test pass. The nice property of this method is once you’ve implemented your feature, by definition, it’s already tested. Push that branch and lean in for the code review.

Another important property of TDD is it forces you to think about writing code that is testable, as a first class citizen. You don’t add testing after the fact, in the same way you don’t add performance or security after the code is “done” — right?

But for me, the most important property of TDD is it forces you to write your tests as a consumer of your own code, making you think about its API, continuously.

Many times people have said to me that they like the idea of TDD in principle, but have found they felt slower when they tried it. I understand completely. TDD does slow you down if you don’t have a design to work from. TDD doesn’t relieve you of the responsibility of designing your code first.

How much design you do is really up to you, but if you find yourself in the situation where you find TDD is slowing you down because you’re fighting the double whammy of changing the code and the tests at the same time, that’s a sure fire sign that you’ve run off the edge of your design map.

Robert Martin says you should not write a line of production code without a failing unit test–the key word is production code. It’s 100% OK to skip writing tests you’re exploring the design space, just remember to budget time to rewrite this code in a TDD fashion. The good news is it won’t take you very long, you’ve already designed the code, and built one to throw away.

Threads are a strange abstraction

When you think about it, threads are a strange abstraction.

From the programmer’s point of view, threads are great. It’s as if you can create virtual CPUs, on the fly, and the operating system will take care of simulating these virtual CPUs on top of real ones.

But on an implementation level, what is a simple abstraction can lead you, the programmer, into a trap. You don’t have an infinite number of CPUs and applying threaded abstractions in an unbounded manner invites you to overwhelm the real CPU if you try to actually use all these virtual CPUs simultaneously, or overwhelm the address space if they sit idle due to the overhead needed to maintain the illusion.

Careful tuning of one or both of the number of threads in use by the program, or the amount of memory each thread is allocated is needed whenever threads as a concurrency primitive are used in anger. So much for abstraction.

Go’s goroutines sit right in the middle, the same programmer interface as threads, a nice imperative coding model, but also efficient implementation model based on coroutines.

Must be willing to relocate

The must be willing to relocate to San Francisco meme has been doing the rounds on Twitter to great effect. The best jokes have a grain of truth to them. I think it is absurd to expect to draw on an infinite supply of debt burdened twenty somethings to relocate to the hottest real estate market on the planet.

A long time ago I worked for a company who hired globally and was willing to relocate people to work in Sydney on very generous terms and worked hard to make the process as painless as possible–and just to be clear, I’m not having a go at this companies’ policies, I like living in Sydney, I’m sure you would too.

What I want to discuss is the potential this creates for a conflict of interest.

Say you’ve up and moved your family to Australia. Your partner has had to leave their job, your kids have left their school, everyone’s left their circle of extended family and friends. It’s a huge upheaval.

Your company is not just your sponsor, but your spouse and your children’s. You’ve got a strong incentive to keep your employer happy with you–your contract stipulates a 6 month probationary period. Not to mention the 12 month lease you just signed on a three bedroom apartment.

You believe in the company, you just moved your family half way around the planet to prove it, and you want to succeed at this job. But, do you really want to take big risks if it could mean finding yourself having to explain to your partner that you have to find another job in the next two weeks or you all have to leave the country?

Employers, in asking people to relocate and placing them in the position of having to make long term commitments to work at your chosen location, are you putting those employees in a position where they can speak freely and act in your best interests?

How will you be programming in a decade ?

What does the computing landscape look like in a decade ?

In a word, bifurcated.

At the individual level there will be range of battery powered devices; watches, mobile phones, tablets with removable keyboards, and those without. They will be numerous, at a wide range of price points, allowing them to be dedicated to the individual. A personal computer if you will.

Of course these devices will have to always be connected to a network and the eponymous cloud, and thus the other half of the puzzle. If you think you’re going to be able to walk downstairs in a decade and touch the hardware your software runs on — you’re in for a rude shock.

What happened to the middle ?

Well, Steve Jobs blew up the desktop market, and with it the outlook for PC shipments.

Desktop PC shipments, 2010-2019

Desktop PC shipments, 2010-2019

But, but, I hear you say. You, the reader, might have a desktop computer for gaming, or enjoy software development on a workstation, rather than a laptop, or your phone.

That’s fine, nobody said you’re wrong, but you are increasingly a minority, and the economics of scale are not working in your favour.

What about us developers ?

Yongsan Electronics Market. Korea’s strategic reserve of whitebox desktop PCs stretches to the horizon.

So we know where the hardware is going, but a16z says software is eating the world. Who’s going to write all this software ? And if there are no desktop computers, how ?

Maybe, companies like (now defunct) and Koding are right, and we’ll all be using online tools. In which case tablets with all day battery life and WiFi are the ticket — the market is certainly betting on that.

But I think there are serious and persistent problems with the idea of always on that cannot be fixed with money.

Broadband cellular or WiFi data has an upper limit, sure you can stack channels to make a single TCP flow go faster, but when everyone wants fast flows — and good upload bandwidth, will that scale to cities with tens of millions of individual ? Will it scale to people who don’t want to live in said Megalopolis ?

Probably not.

The other outcome is the developer PC continues to exist, in an increasingly rarified (and expensive) form as workstations migrate to the economies of scale that drive server chip sets.

Video editing suite

Video editing suite

This is what video editing looks like today, part PC, mostly custom packaged single use solution. Imagine what it would look like if this was what was required to produce software ?

How will you be programming in a decade ?

LISP Machine

Let’s talk about logging

This is a post inspired by a thread that Nate Finch started on the Go Forum. This post focuses on Go, but if you can see your way past that, I think the ideas presented here are widely applicable.

Why no love ?

Go’s log package doesn’t have leveled logs, you have to manually add prefixes like debug, info, warn, and error, yourself. Also, Go’s logger type doesn’t have a way to turn these various levels on or off on a per package basis. By way of comparison let’s look at a few replacements from third parties.

glog from Google provides the following levels:

  • Info
  • Warning
  • Error
  • Fatal (which terminates the program)

Looking at another library, loggo, which we developed for Juju, provides the following levels:

  • Trace
  • Debug
  • Info
  • Warning
  • Error
  • Critical

Loggo also provides the ability to adjust the verbosity of logging on a per package basis.

So here are two examples, clearly influenced by other logging libraries in other languages. In fact their linage can be traced back to syslog(3), maybe even earlier. And I think they are wrong.

I want to take a contradictory position. I think that all logging libraries are bad because the offer too many features; a bewildering array of choice that dazzles the programmer right at the point they must be thinking clearly about how to communicate with the reader from the future; the one who will be consuming their logs.

I posit that successful logging packages need far less features, and certainly fewer levels.

Let’s talk about warnings

Let’s start with the easiest one. Nobody needs a warning log level.

Nobody reads warnings, because by definition nothing went wrong. Maybe something might go wrong in the future, but that sounds like someone else’s problem.

Furthermore, if you’re using some kind of leveled logging then why would you set the level at warning ? You’d set the level at info, or error. Setting the level to warning is an admission that you’re probably logging errors at warning level.

Eliminate the warning level, it’s either an informational message, or an error condition.

Let’s talk about fatal

Fatal level is effectively logging the message, then calling os.Exit(1). In principal this means:

  • defer statements in other goroutines don’t run.
  • buffers aren’t flushed.
  • temporary files and directories aren’t removed.

In effect, log.Fatal is a less verbose than, but semantically equivalent to, panic.

It is commonly accepted that libraries should not use panic1, but if calling log.Fatal2 has the same effect, surely this should also be outlawed.

Suggestions that this cleanup problem can be solved by registering shutdown handlers with the logging system introduces tight coupling between your logging system and every place where cleanup operations happen; its also violates the separation of concerns.

Don’t log at fatal level, prefer instead to return an error to the caller. If the error bubbles all the way up to main.main then that is the right place to handle any cleanup actions before exiting.

Let’s talk about error

Error handling and logging are closely related, so on the face of it, logging at error level should be easily justifiable. I disagree.

In Go, if a function or method call returns an error value, realistically you have two options:

  • handle the error.
  • return the error to your caller. You may choose to gift wrap the error, but that is not important to this discussion.

If you choose to handle the error by logging it, by definition it’s not an error any more — you handled it. The act of logging an error handles the error, hence it is no longer appropriate to log it as an error.

Let me try to convince you with this code fragment:

err := somethingHard()
if err != nil {
        log.Error("oops, something was too hard", err)
        return err // what is this, Java ?

You should never be logging anything at error level because you should either handle the error, or pass it back to the caller.

To be clear, I am not saying you should not log that a condition occurred

if err := planA(); err != nil {
        log.Infof("could't open the foo file, continuing with plan b: %v", err)

but in effect log.Info and log.Error have the same purpose.

I am not saying DO NOT LOG ERRORS! Instead the question is, what is the smallest possible logging API ? And when it comes to errors, I believe that an overwhelming proportion of items logged at error level are simple done that way because they are related to an error. They are in fact, just informational, hence we can remove logging at error level from our API.

What’s left ?

We’ve ruled out warnings, argued that nothing should be logged at error level, and shown that only the top level of the application should have some kind of log.Fatal behaviour. What’s left ?

I believe that there are only two things you should log:

  1. Things that developers care about when they are developing or debugging software.
  2. Things that users care about when using your software.

Obviously these are debug and info levels, respectively.

log.Info should simply write that line to the log output. There should not be an option to turn it off as the user should only be told things which are useful for them. If an error that cannot be handled occurs, it should bubble up main.main where the program terminates. The minor inconvenience of having to insert the FATAL prefix in front of the final log message, or writing directly to os.Stderr with fmt.Fprintf is not sufficient justification for a logging package growing a log.Fatal method.

log.Debug, is an entirely different matter. It is for the developer or support engineer to control. During development, debugging statements should be plentiful, without resorting to trace or debug2 (you know who you are) level. The log package should support fine grained control to enable or disable debug, and only debug, statements at the package or possibly even finer scope.

Wrapping up

If this were a twitter poll, I’d ask you to choose between

  • logging is important
  • logging is hard

But the fact is, logging is both. The solution to this problem must be to de-construct and ruthlessly pair down unnecessary distraction.

What do you think ? Is this just crazy enough to work, or just plain crazy ?


  1. Some libraries may use panic/recover as an internal control flow mechanism, but the overriding mantra is they must not let these control flow operations leak outside the package boundary.
  2. Ironically while it lacks a debug level output, the Go standard log package has both Fatal and Panic functions. In this package the number of functions that cause a program to exit abruptly outnumber those that do not.

Programming language markets

Last night at the Sydney Go Users’ meetup, Jason Buberel, product manager for the Go project, gave an excellent presentation on a product manager’s perspective on the Go project.

As part of his presentation, Buberel broke down the marketplace for a programming language into seven segments.

Programming Language market for Go, courtesy Jason Buberel

Programming language market for Go, courtesy Jason Buberel

As a thought experiment, I’ve taken Buberel’s market segments and applied them across a bunch of contemporary languages.

Disclaimer: I’m not a product manager, I’ve just seen one on stage.

Language Embedded and
Systems and
Server and
Web and mobile4 Big data and
scientific computing
Desktop applications5 Mobile applications
Go 0 0 3 2 1 16 1
Rust 1 1 0 2 0 26, 11 0
Java 214 0 2 3 3 27 3
Python 1 0 312 3 3 26, 10 0
Ruby 0 0 3 3 0 16 0
Node.js (Javascript / v8) 113 0 0 2 0 0 28
Objective-C / Swift 0 3 2 29 0 3 3
C/C++ 3 3 3 2 3 3 2

Is your favourite language missing ? Feel free to print this table out and draw in the missing row.

Scoring system: 0 – no presence, lack of interest or technical limitation. 1 – emerging presence or proof of concept. 2 – active competitor. 3 – market leader.


If there is a conclusion to be drawn from this rather unscientific study, every language is in competition to be the language of the backend. As for the other market segments, everyone competes with C and C++, even Java.


  1. The internet of things that are too small to run linux; micrcontrollers, arduino, esp8266, etc.
  2. Can you write a kernel, kernel module, or operating system in it ?
  3. Monitoring systems, databases, configuration management systems, that sort of thing.
  4. Web application backends, REST APIs, microservices of all sorts.
  5. Desktop applications, including games, because the mobile applications category would certainly include games.
  6. OpenGL libraries or SDL bindings.
  7. Swing, ugh.
  8. Phonegap, React Native.
  9. Who remembers WebObjects ?
  10. Python is a popular scripting language for games.
  11. Servo, the browser rendering engine is targeting Firefox.
  12. Openstack.
  13. Technically Lua pretending to be Javascript, but who’s counting.
  14. Thanks to @rakyll for reminding me about the Blu Ray drives, and j2me running in everyone’s credit cards.

A parable about practice

When I was younger, I wanted to learn to play the guitar (this was the 90’s after all). So I cracked open my piggy bank, bought a decent beginners guitar and took some lessons. I regularly bought the guitar magazines that appeared in the local newsagent and practised along to my favourite songs.

I noodled away at this hobby for a few years. I joined a local band, we even recorded a demo, but never got any gigs. I was disillusioned with my progress, sure I could memorise the fingerings and chords, but my playing style was wooden and my tone stank.

Frustrated, I decided that my beginners guitar wasn’t up to the task and again pouring over guitar magazines I invested in a better guitar, a wah pedal, and a fuzz pedal, and a new amplifier which proudly sported the ultimate in guitar fetishism — a solitary analogue tube.

Alas, I had spent my time working to earn money to buy guitars and accessories instead of practising, my tone still stank, and my style remained wooden, and so when I moved out of home, my guitar didn’t follow me.

Phil Haley and is comments, circa 2002

Phil Haley and is comments, circa 2002

A few years after I joined the workforce, I bought a camera on a whim.

It was early in 2000, so I suspect this was a present to myself for surviving the Y2K debacle (Dave: 1, Mayans: 0). I discovered that some of my co-workers at the time were also keen on photography and this shared interest lead to heated debates about the benefits of Nikon vs Canon, zoom lenses vs prime lenses, the right film stock, and above all the absolute sharpness of the final product.

Soon our cadre would spend hours searching eBay for bargains, or sneak out early on a Friday to ogle the new arrivals at the 2nd hand camera stores. This was the beginning of the end of 35mm film so cameras which, only a few years prior, had been priced outside our reach were suddenly flooding the market.

Pretty soon I had amassed a huge array of Nikon lenses, tripods, adapters, cables, and accessories, and at one point I owned every Nikon professional camera from the F to the F4.

To my credit I put more time into photography than I had into music and after overcoming crippling indecision by whittling my camera collection back to one body and two lenses I started to take images that I was happy with.

Instead of obsessing about the photographs I could take if I had just the right kit, I started investing that money in books and retrospectives of photographers who I admired.

Haters gonna hate

This year it has become sport to characterise Go’s explicit simplicity as crudeness or condescension. To those critics I say: it is a poor craftsman who blames their tools.

Despite your hand wringing over the effrontery of Go’s designers to not include your prerequisite features, interest in Go is sky rocketing. Rather than finding new ways to hate a language for reasons that will not change, why not invest that time and join the growing number of programmers who are using the language to write real software today.

You’ll be amazed what you can get done when you stop looking over your shoulder.

Recruiters, know thy community

I am frequently contacted by recruiters looking for leads. This isn’t an attempt to blow my own horn, I’m sure you are also constantly pestered.

What is frustrating is the recruiters who come calling for leads are universally unaware of the meetups and user groups in the local area for the role they are recruiting for!

Recruiters, how do you expect to be effective in your role as go between if you do not make even the most basic of efforts to join the community for which you are claiming to be proficient in sourcing talent from ?

Polyglot travel

Several decades ago, when I graduated high school and was wondering what I would do with my life I faced a choice. Should I take the now common “gap year” and travel the world, or should I enrol directly in university ?

Oft quoted wisdom recommends that programmers looking to better themselves in their craft should frequently learn new programming languages.

Polyglotism is in many ways like visiting a new country. You pick a destination from a list that interest you, choose a time when the weather is nice; not too hot, not to rainy, arrange your travel, and book your leave.

Maybe you do a little research before you go, looking up the local attractions and learn a few basic phrases (although you know your accent will always give you away).

Travel helps you broaden your horizons. You get to meet the locals, experience the weather, the food, their dialect. You visit the famous monuments, the popular hangouts, and take in the night life. Maybe you have a friend who can show you their favourite haunts, off the beaten track, so you can feel like a local, in the know. Perhaps you hire a guide who helps you experience a safe, less homogenised, version of the city.

Then, once you’ve had your time abroad, exhausted, you slump down in your airplane seat to return home. You reflect on the people you’ve met, how their experiences are different to your own, what it would have been like to grow up with their challenges and their opportunities. Then it’s back to your old life and your old routine. Maybe, you dream, one day you’ll visit that city again.

This post is not a rejection of polyglotism any more than it is a rejection of tourism for personal growth. There is a great deal of difference between spending a week or two in a foreign city, and emigrating there. Don’t think because you’ve spent a week with a language in the summer you know what it is like to live there permanently.