Tag Archives: exceptions

Errors and Exceptions, redux

In my previous post, I doubled down on my claim that Go’s error handling strategy is, on balance, the best.

In this post, I wanted to take this a bit further, and prove that multiple returns and error values are the best,

When I say best, I obviously mean, of the set of choices available to programmers that write real world programs — because real world programs have to handle things going wrong.

The language we have

I am only going to use the Go language that we have today, not any version of the language which might be available in the future — it simply isn’t practical to hold my breath for that long. As I will show, additions to the language like dare I say, exceptions, would not change the outcome.

A simple problem

For this discussion, I’m going to start with a made up, but very simple function, which demonstrates the requirement for error handling.

package main

import "fmt"

// Positive returns true if the number is positive, false if it is negative.
func Positive(n int) bool {
        return n > -1

func Check(n int) {
        if Positive(n) {
                fmt.Println(n, "is positive")
        } else {
                fmt.Println(n, "is negative")

func main() {

If you run this code, you get the following output

1 is positive
0 is positive
-1 is negative

which is wrong.

How can this single line function be wrong ? It is wrong because zero is neither positive or negative, and that cannot be accurately captured by the boolean return value from Positive.

This is a contrived example, but hopefully one that can be adapted to discuss the costs and benefits of the various methods of error handling.


No matter what solution is determined to be the best, a check will have to be added to Positive to test the non zero precondition. Here is an example with the precondition added

// Positive returns true if the number is positive, false if it is negative.
// The second return value indicates if the result is valid, which in the case
// of n == 0, is not valid.
func Positive(n int) (bool, bool) {
        if n == 0 {
                return false, false
        return n > -1, true

func Check(n int) {
        pos, ok := Positive(n)
        if !ok {
                fmt.Println(n, "is neither")
        if pos {
                fmt.Println(n, "is positive")
        } else {
                fmt.Println(n, "is negative")

Running this program we see that the bug is fixed,

1 is positive
0 is neither
-1 is negative

albeit in an ungainly way. For those interested, I also tried a version using a switch which was harder to read for the saving of one line of code.

This then is the baseline to compare other solutions.


Returning a boolean is uncommon, it’s far more common to return an error value, even if the set of errors is fixed. For completeness, and because this simple example is supposed to hold up in more complex circumstances, here is an example using a value that conforms to the error interface.

// Positive returns true if the number is positive, false if it is negative.
func Positive(n int) (bool, error) {
        if n == 0 {
                return false, errors.New("undefined")
        return n > -1, nil

func Check(n int) {
        pos, err := Positive(n)
        if err != nil {
                fmt.Println(n, err)
        if pos {
                fmt.Println(n, "is positive")
        } else {
                fmt.Println(n, "is negative")

The result is a function which performs the same, and the caller must check the result in an near identical way.

If anything, this underlines the flexibility of Go’s errors are values methodology. When an error occurs, indicating only success or failure (think of the two result form of map lookup), a boolean can be substituted instead of an interface value, which removes the any confusion arising from typed nils and nilness of interface values.

More boolean

Here is an example which allows Positive to return three states, true, false, and nil (Anyone with a background in set theory or SQL will be twitching at this point).

// If the result not nil, the result is true if the number is
// positive, false if it is negative.
func Positive(n int) *bool {
        if n == 0 {
                return nil
        r := n > -1
        return &r

func Check(n int) {
        pos := Positive(n)
        if pos == nil {
                fmt.Println(n, "is neither")
        if *pos {
                fmt.Println(n, "is positive")
        } else {
                fmt.Println(n, "is negative")

Positive has grown another line, because of the requirement to capture the address of the result of the comparison.

Worse, now before the return value can be used anywhere, it must be checked to make sure that it points to a valid address. This is the situation that Java developers face constantly and leads to deep seated hatred of nil (with good reason). This clearly isn’t a viable solution.

Let’s try panicking

For completeness, let’s look at a version of this code that tries to simulate exceptions using panic.

// Positive returns true if the number is positive, false if it is negative.
// In the case that n is 0, Positive will panic.
func Positive(n int) bool {
        if n == 0 {
        return n > -1

func Check(n int) {
        defer func() {
                if recover() != nil {
                        fmt.Println("is neither")
        if Positive(n) {
                fmt.Println(n, "is positive")
        } else {
                fmt.Println(n, "is negative")

… this is just getting worse.

Not exceptional

For the truly exceptional cases, the ones that represent either unrecoverable programming mistakes, like index out of bounds, or unrecoverable environmental problem, like running out of stack, we have panic.

For all of the remaining cases, any error conditions that you will encounter in a Go program, are by definition not exceptional — you expect them because regardless of returning a boolean, an error, or pancing, it is the result of a test in your code.

Forgetting to check

I consider the argument that Developers forget to check error codes is cancelled out by the counter argument Developers forget to handle exceptions. Either may be true, depending on the language you are basing your argument on, but neither commands a winning position.

With that said, you only need to check the error value if you care about the result.

Knowing the difference between which errors to ignore and which to check is why we’re paid as professionals.


I have shown in the article that multiple returns and error values the simplest, and most reliable to use. Easier to use than any other form of error handling, including ones that do not even exist in Go as it stands today.

A challenge

So this is the best demonstration I can come up with, but I expect others can do better, particularly where the monadic style is used. I look forward to your feedback.

Error handling vs. exceptions redux

Revisiting my post about error handling and exceptions, written well before Go hit 1.0, I’m pleased that it stands the test of time.

Java has comprehensively demonstrated that checked exceptions (actually having both checked and unchecked exceptions) has been a disaster for the evolution of the language.

Checked exceptions have placed a suffocating yoke of backward compatibility on the architects trying to modernise Java’s decades old design.

I can see no future language designers making the same decision, no matter how well meaning, as the Java designers in 1995.

C++ exceptions, remain as difficult to use safely as they did three decades ago. When any part of your call stack can explode without warning, it is no wonder so many C++ shops mandate that exceptions not be used.

Where does this leave Go, with its sometimes long winded, but always predictable error values?

Two things

The first is an observation made by Rob Pike at Gophercon 2014

Error values in Go aren’t special, they are just values like any other, and so you have the entire language at your disposal.

I think this is something so fundamental that it escapes the notice of most Go programmers.

The second, which I ran across a close to a year after my first post, was this presentation by Andrei Alexandrescu, where he noted (around the 11 minute mark):

… exceptional code is hopelessly serial. There is only one exception in flight, how quaint is that ? There can be only one exception at any moment in flight. … [they] require immediate an exclusive attention. [The exception] comes to the fore, you must handle it right now.

To me this is the argument that seals the case in the favour of errors over exceptions.

Consider this simple example that consumes the contents of an io.Reader.

func ReadAll(r io.Reader) ([]byte, error) {
        var buf = make([]byte, 1024)
        var result []byte
        for {
                n, err := r.Read(buf)
                result = append(result, buf[:n]...)
                if err == io.EOF {
                        return result, nil
                if err != nil {
                        return nil, err

In Go, handling any returned data, as well as an error, is second nature. I cannot begin to think of how you could handle this as simply in an exception based workflow.


Everything that I wrote then, nearly three years ago, I believe to be true today. So in conclusion, stealing a line from Churchill,

Returning error values is the worst form of error handling, except all the others that have been tried.

Andrei Alexandrescu on exceptions

Source: C++ and Beyond 2012: Andrei Alexandrescu – Systematic Error Handling in C++

Earlier today on the #go-nuts irc channel:

11:32 < nsf> http://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Going+Deep/C-and-Beyond-2012-Andrei-Alexandrescu-Systematic-Error-Handling-in-C

11:32 < nsf> Andrei invents multiple return values and defer

I have a great deal of respect for Andrei. I think whenever he speaks, you should listen. In watching this video I was struck by his excellent categorisation of some of the less common arguments for errors over exceptions:

  • The exceptional path is slow (00:10:23). Facebook was using exceptions to signal parsing errors, which turned out to be too slow when dealing with loosely formatted input. Facebook found that using exceptions in this way increased the cost of parsing a file by 50x (00:10:42). No real surprise here, this is also a common pattern in the Java world and clearly the wrong way to do it. Exceptions are for the exceptional.
  • Exceptions require immediate and exclusive attention (00:11:28). To me, this is a killer argument for errors over exceptions. With exceptions, you can be in your normal control flow, or the exceptional control flow, not both. You have to deal with the exception at the point it occurs, even if that exception is truly exceptional. You cannot easily stash the first exception and do some cleanup if that may itself throw an exception.

Why Go gets exceptions right

How does Go get exceptions right? Why, by not having them in the first place.

First, a little history.

Before my time, there was C, and errors were your problem. This was generally okay, because if you owned an 70’s vintage mini computer, you probably had your share of problems. Because C was a single return language, things got a bit complicated when you wanted to know the result of a function that could sometimes go wrong. IO is a perfect example of this, or sockets, but there are also more pernicious cases like converting a string to its integer value. A few idioms grew to handle this problem. For example, if you had a function that would mess around with the contents of a struct, you could pass a pointer to it, and the return code would indicate if the fiddling was successful. There are other idioms, but I’m not a C programmer, and that isn’t the point of this article.

Next came C++, which looked at the error situation and tried to improve it. If you had a function which would do some work, it could return a value or it could throw an exception, which you were then responsible for catching and handling. Bam! Now C++ programmers can signal errors without having to conflate their single return value. Even better, exceptions can be handled anywhere in the call stack. If you don’t know how to handle that exception it’ll bubble up to someone who does. All the nastyness with errno and threads is solved. Achievement unlocked!


The downside of C++ exceptions is you can’t tell (without the source and the impetus to check) if any function you call may throw an exception. In addition to worrying about resource leaks and destructors, you have to worry about RAII and transactional semantics to ensure your methods are exception safe in case they are somewhere on the call stack when an exception is thrown. In solving one problem, C++ created another.

So the designers of Java sat down, stroked their beards and decided that the problem was not exceptions themselves, but the fact that they could be thrown without notice; hence Java has checked exceptions. You can’t throw an exception inside a method without annotating that method’s signature to indicate you may do so, and you can’t call a method that may throw an exception without wrapping it in code to handle the potential exception. Via the magic of compile time bondage and discipline the error problem is solved, right?

This is about the time I enter the story, the early millennium, circa Java 1.4. I agreed then, as I do now, that the Java way of checked exceptions was more civilised, safer, than the C++ way. I don’t think I was the only one. Because exceptions were now safe, developers started to explore their limits. There were coroutine systems built using exceptions, and at least one XML parsing library I know of used exceptions as a control flow technique. It’s commonplace for established Java webapps to disgorge screenfuls of exceptions, dutifully logged with their call stack, on startup. Java exceptions ceased to be exceptional at all, they became commonplace. They are used from everything from the benign to the catastrophic, differentiating between the severity of exceptions falls to the caller of the function.

If that wasn’t bad enough, not all Java exceptions are checked, subclasses of java.Error and java.RuntimeException are unchecked. You don’t need to declare them, just throw them. This probably started out as a good idea, null references and array subscript errors are now simple to implement in the runtime, but at the same time because every exception Java extends java.Exception any piece of code can catch it, even if it makes little sense to do so, leading to patterns like

catch (e Exception) { // ignore }

So, Java mostly solved the C++ unchecked exception problem, and introduced a whole slew of its own. However I argue Java didn’t solve the actual problem, the problem that C++ didn’t solve either. The problem of how to signal to caller of your function that something went wrong.

Enter Go

Go solves the exception problem by not having exceptions. Instead Go allows functions to return an error type in addition to a result via its support for multiple return values. By declaring a return value of the interface type error you indicate to the caller that this method could go wrong. If a function returns a value and an error, then you can’t assume anything about the value until you’ve inspected the error. The only place that may be acceptable to ignore the value of error is when you don’t care about the other values returned.

Go does have a facility called panic, and if you squint hard enough, you might imagine that panic is the same as throw, but you’d be wrong. When you throw and exception you’re making it the caller’s problem

throw new SomeoneElsesProblem();

For example in C++ you might throw an exception when you can’t convert from an enum to its string equivalent, or in Java when parsing a date from a string. In an internet connected world, where every input from a network must be considered hostile, is the failure to parse a string into a date really exceptional? Of course not.

When you panic in Go, you’re freaking out, it’s not someone elses problem, it’s game over man.


panics are always fatal to your program. In panicing you never assume that your caller can solve the problem. Hence panic is only used in exceptional circumstances, ones where it is not possible for your code, or anyone integrating your code to continue.

The decision to not include exceptions in Go is an example of its simplicity and orthogonality. Using multiple return values and a simple convention, Go solves the problem of letting programmers know when things have gone wrong and reserves panic for the truly exceptional.