Tag Archives: go test

Using go test, build and install

With one exception, the go command takes arguments in the form of packages.

You can pass the package name(s) explicitly, eg.

go test github.com/hoisie/mustache

or implicitly

cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hoisie/mustache
go test .

By default, if no arguments are provided go test treats the current directory as a package, so in the second example, go test . is identical in function to

cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hoisie/mustache
go test

The ability to pass a single file to go {build,test,install} is a degenerate case brought about by go run accepting a single .go file as its argument.

go run should be considered the single exception to the rule outlined above.

Simple test coverage with Go 1.2

Did you know that Go 1.2 will ship with a built in test coverage tool ? The tool is integrated into go test and works similarly to the profiling tool, producing an output file which is interpreted by a second command.

If you have Go 1.2rc2 or tip installed, you can use this short shell function to automate the basic usage of the cover tool to produce a per function coverage breakdown.

cover () { 
    go test -coverprofile=$t $@ && go tool cover -func=$t && unlink $t

Usage is straight forward, just call cover with no argument for the package in your current working directory, or pass the name of a package.

% cover bytes
ok      bytes   7.770s  coverage: 91.6% of statements
bytes/buffer.go:        Bytes                   100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        String                  100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        Len                     100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        Truncate                100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        Reset                   100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        grow                    100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        Grow                    100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        Write                   100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        WriteString             100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        ReadFrom                94.7%
bytes/buffer.go:        makeSlice               75.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        WriteTo                 78.6%
bytes/buffer.go:        WriteByte               100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        WriteRune               100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        Read                    100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        Next                    100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        ReadByte                100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        ReadRune                83.3%
bytes/buffer.go:        UnreadRune              85.7%
bytes/buffer.go:        UnreadByte              100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        ReadBytes               100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        readSlice               100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        ReadString              100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        NewBuffer               100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        NewBufferString         100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         equalPortable           100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         explode                 100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         Count                   100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         Contains                0.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         Index                   100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         indexBytePortable       100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         LastIndex               100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         IndexRune               100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         IndexAny                100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         LastIndexAny            100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         genSplit                100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         SplitN                  100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         SplitAfterN             100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         Split                   100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         SplitAfter              100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         Fields                  100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         FieldsFunc              100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         Join                    100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         HasPrefix               100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         HasSuffix               100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         Map                     100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         Repeat                  100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         ToUpper                 100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         ToLower                 100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         ToTitle                 100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         ToUpperSpecial          0.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         ToLowerSpecial          0.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         ToTitleSpecial          0.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         isSeparator             80.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         Title                   100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         TrimLeftFunc            100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         TrimRightFunc           100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         TrimFunc                100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         TrimPrefix              100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         TrimSuffix              100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         IndexFunc               100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         LastIndexFunc           100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         indexFunc               100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         lastIndexFunc           100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         makeCutsetFunc          100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         Trim                    100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         TrimLeft                100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         TrimRight               100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         TrimSpace               100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         Runes                   100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         Replace                 100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         EqualFold               100.0%
bytes/reader.go:        Len                     100.0%
bytes/reader.go:        Read                    100.0%
bytes/reader.go:        ReadAt                  100.0%
bytes/reader.go:        ReadByte                0.0%
bytes/reader.go:        UnreadByte              0.0%
bytes/reader.go:        ReadRune                0.0%
bytes/reader.go:        UnreadRune              0.0%
bytes/reader.go:        Seek                    91.7%
bytes/reader.go:        WriteTo                 83.3%
bytes/reader.go:        NewReader               100.0%
total:                  (statements)            91.6%