Tag Archives: coverage

More simple test coverage in Go 1.2

In a previous post I blogged about the cover tool coming in Go 1.2 and a bash helper function I use to make the tool a little easier to use.

Since then I’ve extended these helpers so I wanted to blog about the improvements.

Passing arguments to the testing tool

cover () {
  go test $COVERFLAGS -coverprofile=$t $@ && go tool cover -func=$t && unlink $t

The first improvement is to be able to pass arguments to go test, this is done by setting COVERFLAGS before invoking the cover helper.

As an example, I have defined a flag in the sftp package tests that allow me to switch the integration tests on and off.

% cover github.com/pkg/sftp
coverage: 20.4% of statements
 % COVERFLAGS=-integration cover github.com/pkg/sftp 
coverage: 69.2% of statements

Viewing coverage details

The cover in its default mode will give you a percentage coverage on a per function basis, but it doesn’t tell you which parts of the function are uncovered.

cover-web() {
  go test $COVERFLAGS -coverprofile=$t $@ && go tool cover -html=$t && unlink $t

To explore the coverage report in detail, this helper runs the cover tool then opens a web browser with a html version of the coverage report.

Screenshot from 2013-11-14 15:50:59Enjoy!

Simple test coverage with Go 1.2

Did you know that Go 1.2 will ship with a built in test coverage tool ? The tool is integrated into go test and works similarly to the profiling tool, producing an output file which is interpreted by a second command.

If you have Go 1.2rc2 or tip installed, you can use this short shell function to automate the basic usage of the cover tool to produce a per function coverage breakdown.

cover () { 
    go test -coverprofile=$t $@ && go tool cover -func=$t && unlink $t

Usage is straight forward, just call cover with no argument for the package in your current working directory, or pass the name of a package.

% cover bytes
ok      bytes   7.770s  coverage: 91.6% of statements
bytes/buffer.go:        Bytes                   100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        String                  100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        Len                     100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        Truncate                100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        Reset                   100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        grow                    100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        Grow                    100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        Write                   100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        WriteString             100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        ReadFrom                94.7%
bytes/buffer.go:        makeSlice               75.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        WriteTo                 78.6%
bytes/buffer.go:        WriteByte               100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        WriteRune               100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        Read                    100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        Next                    100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        ReadByte                100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        ReadRune                83.3%
bytes/buffer.go:        UnreadRune              85.7%
bytes/buffer.go:        UnreadByte              100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        ReadBytes               100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        readSlice               100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        ReadString              100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        NewBuffer               100.0%
bytes/buffer.go:        NewBufferString         100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         equalPortable           100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         explode                 100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         Count                   100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         Contains                0.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         Index                   100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         indexBytePortable       100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         LastIndex               100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         IndexRune               100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         IndexAny                100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         LastIndexAny            100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         genSplit                100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         SplitN                  100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         SplitAfterN             100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         Split                   100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         SplitAfter              100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         Fields                  100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         FieldsFunc              100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         Join                    100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         HasPrefix               100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         HasSuffix               100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         Map                     100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         Repeat                  100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         ToUpper                 100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         ToLower                 100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         ToTitle                 100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         ToUpperSpecial          0.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         ToLowerSpecial          0.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         ToTitleSpecial          0.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         isSeparator             80.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         Title                   100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         TrimLeftFunc            100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         TrimRightFunc           100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         TrimFunc                100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         TrimPrefix              100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         TrimSuffix              100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         IndexFunc               100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         LastIndexFunc           100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         indexFunc               100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         lastIndexFunc           100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         makeCutsetFunc          100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         Trim                    100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         TrimLeft                100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         TrimRight               100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         TrimSpace               100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         Runes                   100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         Replace                 100.0%
bytes/bytes.go:         EqualFold               100.0%
bytes/reader.go:        Len                     100.0%
bytes/reader.go:        Read                    100.0%
bytes/reader.go:        ReadAt                  100.0%
bytes/reader.go:        ReadByte                0.0%
bytes/reader.go:        UnreadByte              0.0%
bytes/reader.go:        ReadRune                0.0%
bytes/reader.go:        UnreadRune              0.0%
bytes/reader.go:        Seek                    91.7%
bytes/reader.go:        WriteTo                 83.3%
bytes/reader.go:        NewReader               100.0%
total:                  (statements)            91.6%