Tag Archives: inlining

Mid-stack inlining in Go

In the previous post I discussed how leaf inlining allows the Go compiler to reduce the overhead of function calls and extend optimisation opportunities across function boundaries. In this post I’ll discuss the limits of inlining and leaf vs mid-stack inlining.

The limits of inlining

Inlining a function into its caller removes the call’s overhead and increases the opportunity for the compiler to apply additional optimisations so the question should be asked, if some inlining is good, would more be better, why not inline as much as possible?

Inlining trades possibly larger program sizes for potentially faster execution time. The main reason to limit inlining is creating many inlined copies of a function can increase compile time and result in larger binaries for marginal gain. Even taking into account the opportunities for further optimisation, aggressive inlining tends to increase the size of, and the time too compile, the resulting binary.

Inlining works best for small functions that do relatively little work compared to the overhead of calling them. As the size of a function grows, the time saved avoiding the call’s overhead diminishes relative to the work done inside the function. Larger functions tend to be more complex, thus the benefits of optimising their inlined forms vs in situ are reduced.

Inlining budget

During compilation each function’s inlineabilty is calculated using what is known as the inlining budget1. The cost calculation can be tricky to internalise but is broadly one unit per node in the AST for simple things like unary and binary operations but can be higher for complex operations like make. Consider this example:

package main

func small() string {
    s := "hello, " + "world!"
    return s

func large() string {
    s := "a"
    s += "b"
    s += "c"
    s += "d"
    s += "e"
    s += "f"
    s += "g"
    s += "h"
    s += "i"
    s += "j"
    s += "k"
    s += "l"
    s += "m"
    s += "n"
    s += "o"
    s += "p"
    s += "q"
    s += "r"
    s += "s"
    s += "t"
    s += "u"
    s += "v"
    s += "w"
    s += "x"
    s += "y"
    s += "z"
    return s

func main() {

Compiling this function with -gcflags=-m=2 allows us to see the cost the compiler assigns to each function.

% go build -gcflags=-m=2 inl.go 
# command-line-arguments
./inl.go:3:6: can inline small with cost 7 as: func() string { s := "hello, world!"; return s }
./inl.go:8:6: cannot inline large: function too complex: cost 82 exceeds budget 80
./inl.go:38:6: can inline main with cost 68 as: func() { small(); large() }
./inl.go:39:7: inlining call to small func() string { s := "hello, world!"; return s }

The compiler determined that func small() can be inlined due to its cost of 7. func large() was determined to be too expensive. func main()has been marked as eligible and assigned a cost of 68; 7 from the body of small, 57 from the function call to small and the remainder in its own overhead.

The inlining budget can be controlled to some degree with the -gcflag=-l flag. Currently the values that apply are:

  • -gcflags=-l=0 is the default level of inlining.
  • -gcflags=-l (or -gcflags=-l=1) disables inlining.
  • -gcflags=-l=2 and -gcflags=-l=3 are currently unused and have no effect over -gcflags=-l=0
  • -gcflags=-l=4 reduces the cost for inlining non-leaf functions and calls through interfaces.2

Hairy optimisations

Some functions with a relatively low inlining cost may be ineligible because of their complexity. This is known as the function’s hairiness as the semantics of some operations are hard to reason about once inlined, for example recover, break. Others, like select and go, involve co-ordination with the runtime so the extra effort of inlining doesn’t pay for itself.

The list of hairy statements also includes things like for and range which don’t have an inherently large cost, but simply haven’t been optimised yet.

Mid stack inlining

Historically the Go compiler only performed leaf inlining–only functions which did not call other functions were eligible. In the context of the hairiness discussion previously, a function call would disqualify the function from being inlined.

Enter mid stack inlining which, as its name implies, allows functions in the middle of a call stack to be inlined without requiring everything below them to be eligible. Mid stack inlining was introduced by David Lazar in Go 1.9 and improved in subsequent releases. This presentation goes into some of the difficulties with retaining the behaviour of stack traces and runtime.Callers in code paths that had been heavily inlined.

We see an example of mid-stack inlining in the previous example. After inlining, func main() contains the body of func small() and a call to func large(), thus it is considered a non-leaf function. Historically this would have prevented it from being further inlined even though its combined cost was less than the inlining budget.

The primary use case for mid stack inlining is to reduce the overhead of a path through the call stack. Consider this example:

package main

import (

type Rectangle struct {}

func (r *Rectangle) Height() int {
    h, _ := strconv.ParseInt("7", 10, 0)
    return int(h)

func (r *Rectangle) Width() int {
    return 6

func (r *Rectangle) Area() int { return r.Height() * r.Width() }

func main() {
    var r Rectangle

In this example r.Area() is a simple function which calls two others. r.Width() can be inlined while r.Height(), simulated here with the //go:noinline annotation, cannot. 3

% go build -gcflags='-m=2' square.go                                                                                                          
# command-line-arguments
./square.go:12:6: cannot inline (*Rectangle).Height: marked go:noinline                                                                               
./square.go:17:6: can inline (*Rectangle).Width with cost 2 as: method(*Rectangle) func() int { return 6 }
./square.go:21:6: can inline (*Rectangle).Area with cost 67 as: method(*Rectangle) func() int { return r.Height() * r.Width() }                       ./square.go:21:61: inlining call to (*Rectangle).Width method(*Rectangle) func() int { return 6 }                                                     
./square.go:23:6: cannot inline main: function too complex: cost 150 exceeds budget 80                        
./square.go:25:20: inlining call to (*Rectangle).Area method(*Rectangle) func() int { return r.Height() * r.Width() }
./square.go:25:20: inlining call to (*Rectangle).Width method(*Rectangle) func() int { return 6 }

As the multiplication performed by r.Area() is cheap compared to the overhead of calling it, inlining r.Area()‘s single expression is a net win even if its downstream caller to r.Height() remains ineligible.

Fast path inlining

The most startling example of the power of mid-stack inlining comes from 2019 when Carlo Alberto Ferraris improved the performance of sync.Mutex.Lock() by allowing the fast path of the lock–the uncontended case–to be inlined into its caller. Prior to this change sync.Mutex.Lock() was a large function containing many hairy conditions which made it ineligible to be inlined. Even in the case where the lock was available, the caller had to pay the overhead of calling sync.Mutex.Lock().

Carlo’s change split sync.Mutex.Lock() into two functions (a process he dubbed outlining). The outer sync.Mutex.Lock() method now calls sync/atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32() and returns to the caller immediately if the CAS succeeds. If not, the function falls through to sync.Mutex.lockSlow() which handles the slow path required to register interest on the lock and park the goroutine.4

% go build -gcflags='-m=2 -l=0' sync 2>&1 | grep '(*Mutex).Lock'
../go/src/sync/mutex.go:72:6: can inline (*Mutex).Lock with cost 69 as: method(*Mutex) func() { if "sync/atomic".CompareAndSwapInt32(&m.state, 0, mutexLocked) { if race.Enabled {  }; return  }; m.lockSlow() }

By splitting the function into an easily inlineable outer function, falling through to a complex inner function to handle the slow path Carlo’s combined mid stack inlining and the compiler’s support for intrinsic operations to reduce the cost of an uncontended lock by 14%. Then he repeated the trick for an additional 9% saving in sync.RWMutex.Unlock().

Inlining optimisations in Go

This is a post about how the Go compiler implements inlining and how this optimisation affects your Go code.

n.b. This article focuses on gc, the de facto Go compiler from golang.org. The concepts discussed apply broadly to other Go compilers like gccgo and tinygo but may differ in implementation and efficacy.

What is inlining?

Inlining is the act of combining smaller functions into their respective callers. In the early days of computing this optimisation was typically performed by hand. Nowadays inlining is one of a class of fundamental optimisations performed automatically during the compilation process.

Why is inlining important?

Inlining is important for two reasons. The first is it removes the overhead of the function call itself. The second is it permits the compiler to more effectively apply other optimisation strategies.

Function call overhead

Calling a function1 in any language carries a cost. There are the overheads of marshalling parameters into registers or onto the stack (depending on the ABI) and reversing the process on return. Invoking a function call involves jumping the program counter from one point in the instruction stream to another which can cause a pipeline stall. Once inside the function there is usually some preamble required to prepare a new stack frame for the function to execute and a similar epilogue needed to retire the frame before returning to the caller.

In Go a function call carries additional costs to support dynamic stack growth. On entry the amount of stack space available to the goroutine is compared to the amount required for the function. If insufficient stack space is available, the preamble jumps into the runtime logic that grows the stack by copying it to a new, larger, location. Once this is done the runtime jumps back to the start of the original function, the stack check is performed again, which now passes, and the call continues. In this way goroutines can start with a small stack allocation which grows only when needed.2

This check is cheap–only a few instructions–and because goroutine stacks grows geometrically the check rarely fails. Thus, the branch prediction unit inside a modern processor can hide the cost of the stack check by assuming it will always be successful. In the case where the processor mis-predicts the stack check and has to discard the work done while it was executing speculatively, the cost of the pipeline stall is relatively small compared to the cost of the work needed for the runtime to grow a goroutines stack.

While the overhead of the generic and Go specific components of each function call are well optimised by modern processors using speculative execution techniques, those overheads cannot be entirely eliminated, thus each function call carries with it a performance cost over and above the time it takes to perform useful work. As a function call’s overhead is fixed, smaller functions pay a larger cost relative to larger ones because they tend to do less useful work per invocation.

The solution to eliminating these overheads must therefore be to eliminate the function call itself, which the Go compiler does, under certain conditions, by replacing the call to a function with the contents of the function. This is known as inlining because it brings the body of the function in line with its caller.

Improved optimisation opportunities

Dr. Cliff Click describes inlining as the optimisation performed by modern compilers as it forms the basis for optimisations like constant propagation and dead code elimination. In effect, inlining allows the compiler to see further, allowing it to observe, in the context that a particular function is being called, logic that can be further simplified or eliminated entirely. As inlining can be applied recursively optimisation decisions can be made not only in the context of each individual function, but also applied to the chain of functions in a call path.

Inlining in action

The effects of inlining can be demonstrated with this small example

package main

import "testing"

func max(a, b int) int {
    if a > b {
        return a
    return b

var Result int

func BenchmarkMax(b *testing.B) {
    var r int
    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        r = max(-1, i)
    Result = r

Running this benchmark gives the following result:3

% go test -bench=. 
BenchmarkMax-4   530687617         2.24 ns/op

The cost of max(-1, i) is around 2.24 nanoseconds on my 2015 MacBook Air. Now let’s remove the //go:noinline pragma and see the result:

% go test -bench=. 
BenchmarkMax-4   1000000000         0.514 ns/op

From 2.24 ns to 0.51 ns, or according to benchstat, a 78% improvement.

% benchstat {old,new}.txt
name   old time/op  new time/op  delta
Max-4  2.21ns ± 1%  0.49ns ± 6%  -77.96%  (p=0.000 n=18+19)

Where did these improvements come from?

First, the removal of the function call and associated preamble4 was a major contributor. Pulling the contents of max into its caller reduced the number of instructions executed by the processor and eliminated several branches.

Now the contents of max are visible to the compiler as it optimises BenchmarkMax it can make some additional improvements. Consider that once max is inlined, this is what the body of BenchmarkMax looks like to the compiler:

func BenchmarkMax(b *testing.B) {
    var r int
    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        if -1 > i {
            r = -1
        } else {
            r = i
    Result = r

Running the benchmark again we see our manually inlined version performs as well as the version inlined by the compiler

% benchstat {old,new}.txt
name   old time/op  new time/op  delta
Max-4  2.21ns ± 1%  0.48ns ± 3%  -78.14%  (p=0.000 n=18+18)

Now the compiler has access to the result of inlining max into BenchmarkMax it can apply optimisation passes which were not possible before. For example, the compiler has noted that i is initialised to 0 and only incremented so any comparison with i can assume i will never be negative. Thus, the condition -1 > i will never be true.5

Having proved that -1 > i will never be true, the compiler can simplify the code to

func BenchmarkMax(b *testing.B) {
    var r int
    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        if false {
            r = -1
        } else {
            r = i
    Result = r

and because the branch is now a constant, the compiler can eliminate the unreachable path leaving it with

func BenchmarkMax(b *testing.B) {
    var r int
    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        r = i
    Result = r

Thus, through inlining and the optimisations it unlocks, the compiler has reduced the expression r = max(-1, i) to simply r = i.

The limits of inlining

In this article I’ve discussed, so called, leaf inlining; the act of inlining a function at the bottom of a call stack into its direct caller. Inlining is a recursive process, once a function has been inlined into its caller, the compiler may inline the resulting code into its caller, as so on. For example, this code

func BenchmarkMaxMaxMax(b *testing.B) {
    var r int
    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        r = max(max(-1, i), max(0, i))
    Result = r

runs as fast as the previous example as the compiler is able to repeatedly apply the optimisations outlined above to reduce the code to the same r = i expression.

In the next article I’ll discuss an alternative inlining strategy when the Go compiler wishes to inline a function in the middle of a call stack. Finally I’ll discuss the limits that the compiler is prepared to go to to inline code, and which Go constructs are currently beyond its capability.