Tag Archives: cubieboard

Go 1.1 on the Cubieboard 2

Thanks to Little Bird Electronics I just picked up the recently released Cubieboard 2.
Cubieboard 2
For less than 90 bucks Australian you get the case, 4Gb of onboard NAND flash, a USB to serial adapter, USB to power adapter (althought you should use a real wall wart), and an adapter for the onboard SATA port which can driver the 5 volt rail of a 2.5″ drive directly from the board! This blows the old iMX.53 loco into the weeds.

cubie@Cubian:~/go/test/bench/go1$ go version
go version go1.1.1 linux/arm
cubie@Cubian:~/go/test/bench/go1$ go test -bench=.
testing: warning: no tests to run
BenchmarkBinaryTree17          1        48584450065 ns/op
BenchmarkFannkuch11            1        39106118893 ns/op
BenchmarkFmtFprintfEmpty         2000000               946 ns/op
BenchmarkFmtFprintfString        1000000              2901 ns/op
BenchmarkFmtFprintfInt   1000000              2111 ns/op
BenchmarkFmtFprintfIntInt         500000              3291 ns/op
BenchmarkFmtFprintfPrefixedInt    500000              3530 ns/op
BenchmarkFmtFprintfFloat          200000              7820 ns/op
BenchmarkFmtManyArgs      100000             13727 ns/op
BenchmarkGobDecode            10         132398137 ns/op           5.80 MB/s
BenchmarkGobEncode            50          62968325 ns/op          12.19 MB/s
BenchmarkGzip          1        5177324419 ns/op           3.75 MB/s
BenchmarkGunzip        5         900631458 ns/op          21.55 MB/s
BenchmarkHTTPClientServer           2000            793348 ns/op
BenchmarkJSONEncode            5         632428975 ns/op           3.07 MB/s
BenchmarkJSONDecode            1        1431043626 ns/op           1.36 MB/s
BenchmarkMandelbrot200        50          43100116 ns/op
BenchmarkGoParse              50          53644104 ns/op           1.08 MB/s
BenchmarkRegexpMatchEasy0_32     1000000              1186 ns/op  26.96 MB/s
BenchmarkRegexpMatchEasy0_1K      500000              4956 ns/op 206.61 MB/s
BenchmarkRegexpMatchEasy1_32     1000000              1205 ns/op  26.55 MB/s
BenchmarkRegexpMatchEasy1_1K      200000             11982 ns/op  85.46 MB/s
BenchmarkRegexpMatchMedium_32    1000000              2066 ns/op   0.48 MB/s
BenchmarkRegexpMatchMedium_1K       5000            680173 ns/op   1.51 MB/s
BenchmarkRegexpMatchHard_32        50000             36728 ns/op   0.87 MB/s
BenchmarkRegexpMatchHard_1K         2000           1115221 ns/op   0.92 MB/s
BenchmarkRevcomp              20         103053970 ns/op          24.66 MB/s
BenchmarkTemplate              1        1372074834 ns/op           1.41 MB/s
BenchmarkTimeParse        200000             11836 ns/op
BenchmarkTimeFormat       200000             10199 ns/op
ok      _/home/cubie/go/test/bench/go1  168.097s

If you compare that to my OMAP4 based pandaboard, Go 1.1 performance is 5 to 10 % better. Not bad.